Amber Ayre

The Future of Technology in the Present


Amber Ayre creates personalized perfumes from odor perception data collected using our patented olfactotechnology. Our olfactotech patches attach to your temple and collects smell and emotional sensations related to an individual’s memories of a person or event. These data are then processed within our olfalimbic device. The output is an individualized scent that encapsulates and preserves precious memories.

Brand Identity
Mobile UI Design


Taking a twist on brand identity by incorporating the future into modern times of the perfume market. Amber Ayre captures the essence of being in the moment. It is fascinated by entrepreneurs with expendable income, and courageous—who praise the future for technology that can be implemented into the present.


Working with a fictional company and completely having the freedom of creativity brought a lot of setbacks. The major challenge was designing the perfume products with having little to no experience in the perfume industry or product design. However, the objective I am trying to achieve is to create a product that encapsulates and preserves precious memories. of an individual.


To offically say that the project has been a success, the overall brand identity of Amber Ayre must show a sense of being Futuristic, Timeless, Exclusive, One-of-a-kind, Sleek, and Heart-Warming.

Brand Assets

What is the brand?

Knowing what your assets are (i.e., logo, color palette, typography, etc.) allows you to stay on brand, and consistent with any other deliverables you may have. The assets gives you the idea of how your overall brand will feel and look like.

Amber Ayre Color Palette
Amber Ayre Pattern
Amber Ayre Typography

Discovery Phase

The objective for this phase of the project was to figure out what identity this brand will convey. This phase consisted of building a brand strategy, and gathering necessary contents in order to move forward.

Brand Strategy

Logo Process

During the Ideation Phase

The objective for this phase of the project was to figure out what identity this brand will convey. This phase consisted of building a brand strategy, and gathering necessary contents in order to move forward.


Amber Ayre is a very unique, and exclusive brand that is innovative. The logo is to represent those attributes, along with embodying a timeless, humble look and feel. A simplistic ‘A’ logomark taken from the type itself creates consistency with its logotype—negative and positive spaces can create a different approach to a design. The word ‘Amber’ has its meaning, and correlates with the colors used. Both amber and Amber Ayre preserve a piece of history—a moment in time. To capture that correlation without interfering with the logo, the warm amber color of a yellow-orange is what brings it all together.

Amber Ayre Logo



The challenge with the schematic drawings was making sure the measurements all line-up with each other. Assuring that what I am designing will fit into its appropriate spots.

Mobile App

What is the mobile app?

The mobile apps use is to capture a moment in real-time. The data that is collected can then be imported to our system to create a perfume scent designated for that specific moment. If not in use to create a personalized scent, it is a journal that can be used to jot down certain parts of your day.

Amber Ayre Mobile App - User Flow Chart
Amber Ayre Mobile App - Hi-Fi Wireframes
Amber Ayre Mobile App - User Flow Chart
Amber Ayre Final Mobile App product

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