Other Projects

Professional Work

SAE Design Group


Mama's Fish House

My role in this project was to come up with a couple shirt designs that go with already existing concepts chosen by the client—vintage floral and oceanic.

Hawai'i Language Roadmap

This sticker project is a sequel to the first Greet Your Neighbor Campaign sticker made by another artist. Although the task was assigned to me, all versions and decisions were looked over by my supervisor Arlyn.

Working alongside Arlyn and Chelsea, we were able to accomplish this task, and get the printed off to send to the clients.

Amber Ayre Logo

Maui United Way

The task I was given for this project was to create a banner that will be used for the Maui United Way: Thirty for Thirty campaign.

Being informed to use the logo, along with a few plant references, this banner was needed to relate to another campaigns banner. For this version, it was decided to try to take a different approach with the plants, and giving it more character, and using more of the space.

Maui United Way Banner 01
Maui United Way Banner 01
Maui United Way Banner 01